
Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto

Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto is the mastermind behind the inception of Ruby. Since 1993 he has been designing our precious jewel up to its current version. Meanwhile he has been working on mruby, a lightweight Ruby implementation.

José Valim

José Valim (@josevalim) is the creator of the Elixir programming language and the Director of R&D at Plataformatec, a consultancy firm based in Brazil. He is author of Crafting Rails Applications and Programming Phoenix as well as an active member of the Open Source community.

André Arko

André thinks Ruby is pretty neat. He leads the Bundler team, co-authored the third edition of The Ruby Way, and founded Ruby Together, the Ruby trade association. At his day job, he provides expert development, architecture, and teaching through Cloud City Development in San Francisco.

Hiroshi Shibata

Ruby core team. Rake maintainer. Chief Engineer at GMO Pepabo, Inc.

Bozhidar Batsov

Bozhidar is the author of RuboCop and the editor of the community Ruby style guide. He's involved in a myriad of open-source projects, mostly related to Ruby, Clojure and Emacs. Many people would probably describe him as an Emacs zealot (and they would be right). He's also quite fond of the Lisp family of languages, functional programming in general and Clojure in particular.

Nick Sutterer

Whenever Open-Source meets deep and profound debates about architecting software, and there's free beers involved, Nick Sutterer must be just around the corner. Say Hi to him, he loves people.

Marc-André Giroux

A Jazz guitarist turned developer, Marc-André is currently working at Shopify, trying to make commerce better for everyone. When he's not hacking on Rails, GraphQL or Relay, he likes lifting heavy barbells above his head.

Grace Chang

Engineer at Yammer London, disguised as past and present on-call tech lead. Enthusiast of reliable sites, continuous development, gifs, food, and gifs of food.

Carina C. Zona

Carina C. Zona is a developer, advocate, and certified sex educator. She spends a lot of time thinking about the unexpected cultural effects of our decisions as programmers. Carina is the founder of CallbackWomen, a developer evangelist for Ruby Together, and co-organizer of the We So Crafty community of techies who craft.

Terence Lee

Terence leads Heroku’s Ruby Task Force curating the Ruby experience on the platform. He's worked on some OSS projects such as Ruby (the language), mruby, mruby-cli, Bundler, Resque, as well as helping with the Rails Girls movement. When he’s not going to an awesome Heroku or Ruby event, he lives in Austin, TX. Terence loves Friday hugs (EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK) and believes in getting people together for #rubykaraoke.

Andrew Radev

Andrew has been working with Ruby and Rails from Before it Was Cool. Well, maybe from Around the Time it Was Sorta Becoming Cool. It's been a while, either way. He's been at the backend, and at the frontend, and in most areas inbetween. He tends to solve his Ruby problems by writing Vimscript, which is how he ended up maintaining vim-ruby, tweeting as @VimLinks, and with a github profile full of Vim plugins.

Ivan Nemytchenko

Rubyist since 2006, IT events addict since 2008, speaker since 2010, Lean Poker facilitator since 2015, joined GitLab as developer advocate in 2016. Co-founded two IT-agencies, co-organized two conferences, brewed 50 liters of mulled wine for an afterparty. Has too many interests and produces more ideas than anybody could consume. In 2015 moved to Serbia, where he enjoys life with his great wife and awesome daughter, and travels across nearby countries.

Rafael França

Member of the Rails Core Team. Spends the days solving problems at Shopify and the nights contributing to several OSS projects.

Vipul Amler

Vipul is Director at BigBinary LLC. He is part of Rails Team, and helps triaging issues. His spare time is spent exploring and contributing to many Open Source ruby projects, when not dabbling with React JS. He has recently authored ReactJS by Example, that does a deep walk-through of using ReactJS. Vipul loves Ruby's vibrant community and helps in building PuneRb, is the founder of and runs RubyIndia Community. He also organizes DeccanRubyConf in Pune.

Anton Davydov

Anton is an indie developer from Moscow. He works on different side projects and builds Space-Rocket ships at night. Also, he loves open source, which is why he is a Sidekiq and Hanami committer.

Xavier Noria

Xavier Noria is an everlasting student and father of the most wonderful girl. An independent Ruby on Rails consultant from Barcelona, Xavier is a member of the Ruby on Rails core team, Ruby Hero, and proud author of Rails Contributors.

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