Take EuRuKo home in 7 easy steps

Bring EuRuKo 2017 to your city in 7 easy steps


1. Prepare the raddest presentation of your city*

2. Come to EuRuKo 2016**

3. Register for presentation

4. Come to the after-party on Friday where the contest will take place

5. Present in front of everyone for 180 seconds***

6. (Im)patiently wait until the closing ceremony for final results

7. Rejoyce that
  a. you will be hosting a conference!
  b. you will be traveling to another city next year, when you can try again!


* Preparation can happen any time before the time of presentation, even after registering ;) You can also opt to go without a presentation (not recommended).

** You have a ticket, right? If not, you only have 10 more days to get one!

*** Make sure to have the presentation on a flash drive, or to have sent it to us at hi@euruko2016.org with the subject “EuRuKo 2017”

**** A simple slideshow of pictures is a good presentation, no need to overdo it.